Plastic soldier figuresRef CF1£0.50
Plastic soldier figuresRef CF2£0.50
Bag of anchor chainRef CMSC1£1.00
2 lifejackets plastic 35x45 mmRef CMSC2£0.75
Fittings-Motor Mounts
MFA Motor Mount - metal 500 size Ref CMM1 £1.00
Plastic props various sizes. Two large white metal propsRef CP1£0.20 each
Robbe Rudder 1 Rudder on mountRef CRU5£0.20
Servo Hardware
Pack of mixed servo armsRef CSA2£0.50
Pack of mixed servo armsRef CSA3£0.50
Pack of mixed servo armsRef CSA4£0.50
Pack of mixed servo armsRef CSA5£0.50
Pack of mixed servo rubber mountsRef CRM 1 £0.50
Servo Extension Leads (8off)Ref CSE1£1 each
Motors – Brushed
Johnson Brushed motor 550 64370Ref CM1£1.80
Johnson Brushed motor 550 64370Ref CM2£1.80
MFA Brushed motor 3-9v 719-RE540Ref CM3£3.00
Brushed motor 300 TypeRef MM 1 £2.00
Brushed motor 400 Type plus Mount Ref MM 2£4.00
Brushed motor 400 Type plus Mount Ref MM 5£3.00
Motors – Brushless
EMax Brushless Motor 2822 1200Kv (3 off)Ref CM 6£4.00 each
EMax Brushless Motor 2812 1543Kv (3 off)Ref CM 7£3.00 each
Brushless Motor A 2212 / 5T 2700KvRef CM 9£2.00
Brushless Motor 2212 Blue Colour (3 off) Ref CM 12£2.00
Brushless Motor 2212 Gold Colour Ref CM 13 £2.00